“Give back the key to my heart”

Nice Tits. I’m no longer this fat btw. I’m still fat, just not THIS fat.

In the fall of 2023 my heart started skipping beats again. It was doing this back in 1988 or so, but medication stopped it. Medication was no longer stopping it. My Cardiologist at the VA had me wear a Heart Monitor for 2 weeks and at the end of those two weeks I was told that not only was my heart was skipping beats, it was also speeding up for no reason, and acting all kinds of weird and stupid when it shouldn’t have been. Dumbass heart. But it wasn’t doing enough of this weird shit for her to be concerned.

My cardiologist asked me about my family history and I told her “Well, those of us that don’t drink ourselves to death, we usually die of some type of horrible cancer or some heart thing. My biological father had 3 heart attacks and died of Congestive Heart Failure. My brother died of Congestive Heart failure too, and my aunt died from an aortic aneurysm. ”

”Well, your echo-cardiogram was pretty normal for an old, fat guy, as was your stress test. In fact there is nothing in any of your tests that indicates a necessity for this, but my gut would feel a whole lot better if you would let me give you a heart cath.”

”Well, If you tell me that i need to get one, then I guess I’m getting one”

So I got one.

When they woke me up following the procedure, they told me “There ain’t no point in you making any plans for the next few months. Your Left Anterior Descending Artery, the one we call the Widowmaker, that sumbitch is 99% occluded, or blocked . On top of that, all the rest of your coronary arteries are 70-90% blocked as well. At some time in the very near future, like within the next 30 days, you’re going to be getting bypass surgery, or you’re going to be getting buried.”

So I cancelled all of my gigs and on Nov 15th 2023, I was cut open asshole to elbow and received a quadruple bypass. I’ve since spent the last 4 months recovering from that, and am just now getting back to playing shows.

You have no idea how much I’ve missed playing shows.

I’m stronger than I ever was before, I’ve lost 30 or more lbs. I’m exercising regularly, I’m drinking more water, getting more sleep, and I’m much more careful about what I eat. I don’t run out of breath walking to the bathroom anymore. I don’t have any more crushing chest pains and I’m still above ground.

It’s a great day to be alive.




I wrote a book. You probably didn’t think I could even read a book.

This is a book containing the lyrics to 70 of my songs along with the story or stories that go with each song. There are 87 tracks here + an ePub version of the book Bigdumbhick - Songs and Stories.

So why are there 87 tracks? Because a live recording may sound a lot different than studio version, or there might be a couple of different demos where I was trying to nail down an arrangement, or it could be that I'm just a total self-absorbed narcissist.

You might say “BUT I WANT TO PAY FOR IT!”. I’m not going to turn down your money, all I ask is that you listen to the music and start reading the book PRIOR to making a purchase. I want to make sure that you get full value for your money.

https://bigdumbhick.bandcamp.com FREE DOWNLOAD

1. 1968 Lebanon Tennessee
2. 40 Days and 40 Nights
3. 90 Miles an Hour
4. A Little Bit Weird
5. Ain't Noboby in Here Listening to Me
6. All of My Heart
7. Battery Operated Boyfriend
8. Be Your Dog
9. Bodies in the Basement
10. Check-Out Time
11. Choices
12. Chokehold On my Heart
13. Drinking Whiskey
14. Drinking with the Devil
15. Erectile Dysfunction Blues
16. Every Bone In Her Body
17. First Cup of Coffee
18. Get Your Shit and Go
19. Gotta Wear a Mask
20. Grandaddy Was a Railroad Man
21. Guitars and Titties
22. Hard to Love Sober
23. Heartbroke and Lonesome
24. Hell at 30,000ft
25. Help Me Mama I Can't Breathe
26. Holding Up a Sign
27. Hungry Anymore
28. Hurry Up and Die
29. Ravens and Crows
30. Everything You Wanted
31. I Ain't Afraid of Dying
32. I Don't Know Where I'm Going
33. I Saw Your Name
34. I Started Drinking Again
35. It Ain't Really Church
36. It Could Have Been Me
37. It Wasn't There
38. Look Out Jesus
39. Love Everybody
40. Move Back to the Country
41. New Wayfaring Stranger
42. Ole Black Snake
43. One Is Too Many
44. Outlived my Dick
45. Riding Around Naked
46. Santa Got Busted
47. Searching for a Rhyme
48. See You Naked
49 She Ain't Letting Go
50. Something is Wrong With My Baby
51. Staring Out the Window
52. Storm A Coming
53. Street Corner Preacher
54. The Family Plan
55. The Fuck-Up Fairy
56. The New Golden Rule
57. The Other Side
58. The Silent Treatment
59. The Sweetest Boy
60. Three on the Tree
61. Too Fat to Fuck
62. Trading Time for Money
63. Unicycle
64. Up Here On Ledge
65. Viagra Prescription
66. We're Gonna Die Some Day
67. What We Ain't Got
68. Will I Ever Get Laid Again
69. You Can't Trust a Fart
70. You're Making My Head Hurt